Here are some details about the problem:
On Windows (cygwin) the error comes from the file http_client.c (in both versions 0.3.0 and 0.4.0). All other files seem to be ok.
I think the problem starts with the compiler not getting the right OS flags (e.g. SYSTEM_WIN32) passed. This results in the wrong files being included and symbols not being found. Me and my friends have been messing around with http_client.c A LOT – still we couldn’t get it to work.
We set the SYSTEM_WIN32 manually and added all missing header files to our test system. The core of the problem seems to be related to the socket bindings (using winsocks) in http_client.c
The thing is: The code might not even be flawed. There may just be some more headers missing, we don’t know of.
I bet, for a C-guru that has been working with winsock before it will be a
matter of a few minutes to find a solution to this problem.
Once http_clinet.c is fixed and libopendaap does compile under Cygwin or MinGW it can instantly be integrated into VLC.
@Tirsh: If you know people that are skilled c++ programers, just email me at xrc(at) and I'll help you get to the bottom if this issue...
@xtophe: You might wanna update the ticked and remove "The whole networking part of openDaap use the unix type API" from the description. libopendaap 0.4.0 is capable of using winsock which is NOT a unix-type API..
@all: If there is anyone else out there willing to help us please DO NOT HESITATE to contact me!!
Yes, I'm talking to YOU!