Pb with marq-marquee C# ActiveX

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Thierry CSU
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Pb with marq-marquee C# ActiveX

Postby Thierry CSU » 13 Apr 2006 16:30


What's wrong with this :

string MRL = "udp://@:1234";
string record=@"c:\Camera.mpg";
SCREEN=new string[9];
SCREEN[0] = ":sout-udp-caching=300";
SCREEN[1] = ":sout=#duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=ts,url=\""+record.ToString()+"\"}}";
SCREEN[2] = ":sub-filter=marq";
SCREEN[3] = ":marq-x=100";
SCREEN[4] = ":marq-y=0";
SCREEN[5] = ":marq-marquee=\""+"Hello"+"\"";
SCREEN[6] = ":marq-timeout=0";
SCREEN[7] = ":marq-color=32768";

the marq-marquee value is VLC which is the default value in VLC config.

How can i change this value with the ActiveX

If somebody know where i can find samples in C# it is welcome.



Postby arno » 18 Apr 2006 20:38

Hi i just tried it myself - with the same result. It seems like the ActiveX plugin takes the ":sub-filter=marq" command for activating the subfilter, but ignores all options - like in many other cases :(

Also, what i dont understand is that I get "VLC" written TWICE in the upper left corner (default settings)

I got some of the options working but some simply don't work. I found that good working are deinterlacing + options, videoalignment (top, bottom etc), audio-track=x, overlay and nooverlay, fullscreen and no-fulscreen, record, recors-path, snapshot-path, http-cache and all sout what i tried.
However, zoom, crop, scale, marq and others did not get to work.

I use the 0.8.4a activex plugin in c#. (.net 2005)


Thierry CSU
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Postby Thierry CSU » 19 Apr 2006 08:59

Thank you for answering,

I use the 0.8.4a activex plugin in c# too but in .net 2003.

I found the options can be change by using the vlcrc file wich is in Application Data\vlc sub directory.

I think there is an other way to acces options but i don't know how.

If somebody knows it will be great.


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Postby Albert » 20 Apr 2006 12:47

I was referred to use rpn function to change marq-marquee value in HTTP interface. See
I haven´t solved this yet.


Postby arno » 20 Apr 2006 15:42

By changing it in the vlcrc file clearly you change the default, but for this to apply, you need to reload the ActiveX plugin or create a new instance within your application (the activex plugin reads the config only at beginning - to my understanding).

There is another way to set options - it goes with the getVariable/setVariable. For instance I was able to swith the language oder toggle the fullscreen mode:

Code: Select all

object X = VLCControl.getVariable("key-audio-track"); VLCControl.setVariable("key-pressed", X);

Code: Select all

private void VLCFullScreenToggle() { object X = VLCControl.getVariable("key-fullscreen"); VLCControl.setVariable("key-pressed", X); }
(this we need, since the AXVLCControl.fullscreen() does not seem to work... :( )

Unfortunately most other variables I tried do not work but throw only an exception - it would be such a nice world if we coud dynamically change variables. In another post where somebody asked for the variables it was told, that the developers don't want to publish the names since it might change with different versions - ok, thats a reason, but anyway I would bind my application to a very specific version since also the options change from version to version (example: :nooverlay (0.8.4a) an :no-overlay (later version)). I would appreciate if we could know these variables. On the other side there seems to be a bug in the 0.8.4a version which anyway prevents access to most of the existing variables anyway... :(

Another question for me would be from where the acxtiveX plugin knows from where to read the config - I'm interested in this since I would like to have a local installation from the activeX plugin just for my application - so that it does no interfere with other VLC instalations which might exist on this machine?
Does anybody know if this is possible?


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