cant launch or close vlc w/ php and Apache

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cant launch or close vlc w/ php and Apache

Postby spine » 20 Apr 2006 01:00

hello to everyone, ive been banging my head on the table for quite some time now because of the vlc HTTP interface, Apache and PHP

BTW i am not experienced with apache, im using ubuntu(LinuX) and its allready configured from install, also im no coder.

this index page has 3 form buttons start vlc, gotto http nterface and close vlc

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index.html <html> <center> <br><br><br><FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION="vlc.php"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Start VLC"> </FORM> <FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION=""> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Gotto Remote"> </FORM> <FORM METHOD="LINK" ACTION="closevlc.php"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Close VLC"> </FORM> </center> </html>
start vlc php code, cant seem to pass the command through

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vlc.php <?php system("(/usr/bin/vlc /home/spine/video --intf=http --http-host --fullscreen) >nul"); ?>
close vlc, same as above

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closevlc.php <?php system("(killall vlc) >nul"); ?>
bassically i cannot get php to pass a single shell argument,
i also tried exec() with no luck

any help - much appreciated


Postby Guest » 20 Apr 2006 01:28

i read somewhere about permissions but i havent found anything on the internet yet on how to deal with them in apache


Postby Guest » 20 Apr 2006 02:51

without nul i get this:

libdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 0.1.9 from libdvdnav: Can't read name block. Probably not a DVD-ROM device.


Postby Guest » 20 Apr 2006 20:56

i almost cannot beilive no one has any input on this.

i read somewhere about permissions in apache, but honestly ive been looking and cant get the info i need


Postby Guest » 27 Apr 2006 11:11


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setenforce 0
in your linux console to disable a couple of security settings.

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