I have searched the forum for posts relating to the use of WDM capture drivers and video composite in. I have selected the correct source Pal_B 625 lines etc... It says 'Signal Detected 1' and I have selected the correct crossover pins.
The 'View stream and media info' says stream 0 is video UYVY 25.0 fps 720x576 and stream 1 audio.
I have selected for stream output: play locally and save to file. No video is displayed and on playback the file has audio but no video.
The 'Display while streaming' 'Enable audio output' and 'Enable video output' are all checked. The Sout boxes 'Enable video' and 'Enable audio' are also checked. Also, the "Enable video' 'Skip frames' 'Overlay video output' and 'Always on top' are checked.
I noticed no messages in the log and also after repeated attempts I noticed the play list had lots of dshow:// - the rest of the MRL was missing.
Am I missing anything?