How stream to the Internet?

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How stream to the Internet?

Postby CHfish » 04 Nov 2004 00:26


I've been using VLC for a long time @ the lan. But now I want to stream to internet, how shall I do this.
I tried to use HTTP. but I wasn't able to do it...
I wan't that I've just to put in somehing to client...
Protocol isn't really important, but it must be possible that I can just put in my DynDNS to the client (and the port) and watch.



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Postby markfm » 04 Nov 2004 13:27

Not too tough, just need to make sure that your router is configured to do an address translation, forward the incoming request (to your external IP address, and the Port you are using for VLC) to the PC.

For example, I use an SMC router. I go into Advanced Settings, then pick NAT -- Virtual Server. I create an entry for Private IP my_pc_IP, Private Port 1234, select TCP, and Public Port 1234. This tells the router to forward incoming requests on 1234 to my PC's port 1234 for processing.

On your server PC, configure it to do a Stream Output, mmsh to LocalHost:

Set up your CODECs and bitrate -- I am test streaming 5 fps, 640x480, a high res framegrabber.

At a client, you can use either WMP or VLC. For VLC, do an open network connection, select the http/ftp/mms entry, type in:

For WMP, select Open URL, use:

If using WMP, you need to transcode to something WMP understands -- DIV3 for video seems to work well.

Don't forget -- uplink BW is usually a lot less than downlink. If you have a cable modem, you may get 2 Mbps down, but only 400K Up.


Postby Guest » 04 Nov 2004 20:58

Not too tough, just need to make sure that your router is configured to do an address translation, forward the incoming request (to your external IP address, and the Port you are using for VLC) to the PC.

For example, I use an SMC router. I go into Advanced Settings, then pick NAT -- Virtual Server. I create an entry for Private IP my_pc_IP, Private Port 1234, select TCP, and Public Port 1234. This tells the router to forward incoming requests on 1234 to my PC's port 1234 for processing.

On your server PC, configure it to do a Stream Output, mmsh to LocalHost:

Set up your CODECs and bitrate -- I am test streaming 5 fps, 640x480, a high res framegrabber.

At a client, you can use either WMP or VLC. For VLC, do an open network connection, select the http/ftp/mms entry, type in:

For WMP, select Open URL, use:

If using WMP, you need to transcode to something WMP understands -- DIV3 for video seems to work well.

Don't forget -- uplink BW is usually a lot less than downlink. If you have a cable modem, you may get 2 Mbps down, but only 400K Up.
thank you and you took a good guess: I've got cable (2 Mbps down, but only 400K Up)

New Cone
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Postby mikekay » 08 Apr 2006 14:15

At a client, you can use either WMP or VLC. For VLC, do an open network connection, select the http/ftp/mms entry, type in:
All this gives me is an error popup that says "No suitable access module" etc. I followed your directions exactly. Any suggestions?


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 09 Apr 2006 11:19

Please past a more verbose debug log.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Postby Spidey » 12 Apr 2006 00:22

here i've got almost the same problem

i can watch the movies in my own pc
but in the web they are not acessible

even using my dynamic dns service to try to connect from my pc, i can't connect

my router is a SpeedStream 5200 DSL modem with router firmware, and I've configured it to portfoward ALL PORTS to my LAN IP (DMZ)

do i need to specifically port foward some port?
i never needed that

Rémi Denis-Courmont
Posts: 15330
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VLC version: master
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Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 12 Apr 2006 07:56

You need to setup a web server to do that.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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