VLC streaming Multicast

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Roberto Teixeira

VLC streaming Multicast

Postby Roberto Teixeira » 06 Apr 2006 03:51

Sorry for my bad knowlodge, I would like to know what the multicast IP address means. I have been trying to stream a video between a server and a client without success.

I have the following environment:

Windows 2003 SP1

Windows 2003 SP1

Im trying to create a stream using VLC on Client and selecting the UDP in these steps:

On Server:
1: I use the wizard and select "Stream to Network".
2: I select the video to stream
3: I selected the UDP Multicast and typed ""
4: I select all default option and set the TTL to 1
Now I can verified that the progression of video is going however the video is not shown.

On Client
I select "Open Network Stream" and typed the "" ip.

On the client the vido was not shown.
Anyone know what Im doing wrong or if I need to enable something in the switch between the client and the server? The multicast IP that Im insert is not from any computer. Is that right?


Re: VLC streaming Multicast

Postby Guest » 06 Apr 2006 03:53

Sorry for my bad knowlodge, I would like to know what the multicast IP address means. I have been trying to stream a video between a server and a client without success.

I have the following environment:

Windows 2003 SP1

Windows 2003 SP1

Im trying to create a stream using VLC on Client and selecting the UDP in these steps:

On Server:
1: I use the wizard and select "Stream to Network".
2: I select the video to stream
3: I selected the UDP Multicast and typed ""
4: I select all default option and set the TTL to 1
Now I can verified that the progression of video is going however the video is not shown.

On Client
I select "Open Network Stream" and typed the "" ip.

On the client the vido was not shown.
Anyone know what Im doing wrong or if I need to enable something in the switch between the client and the server? The multicast IP that Im insert is not from any computer. Is that right?
Just a correction for the IP from client and server.

Windows 2003 SP1

Windows 2003 SP1

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 27
Joined: 02 Oct 2004 21:32
Location: Norway

Postby roglan » 06 Apr 2006 16:25

You have unfortunately chosen an address that is reserved.
The range - is
"Reserved for special “well-known” multicast addresses"
Try using any ip between and

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