At the moment, there is only a few skins available for VLC. But soon, there could be much more, that's why I would like to know what you think about a "skin browser window" like this one :
The screenshot (on the top-left) would be taken from the image file "screenshot.png" in the .vlt skin.
Why "screenshot.png" and not "background.png" which is already available? Because the background of a skin can differ a
lot from the real look of the skin (example : the background may not have buttons or sliders.. at all).
Misc informations (at the bottom-left) would come from this line (in the theme.xml file) :
Code: Select all
<ThemeInfo name="Navaga-green" author="xanax`" email="" webpage="" />
Code: Select all
<ThemeInfo name="Navaga-green" author="xanax`" skinversion="1.0" email="" webpage="" screenshot="images/screenshot.png" />
I think it will become useful if more and more skins are going to be created in the future.
Or this right-click context-menu will soon be huge (filled of skins, from the top of the screen to the bottom) :
See you.