I'd like to ask something about the famous WMV video format.
I found out that most movies (both legal & illegal) on the Internet use
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1. WMV is closed source & excessively copyrighted & patented, correct ?
2. When playing WMV, VLC uses exceptionally the M$-internal codecs,
while all other supported codecs are part of VLC, correct ?
3. The EU cartel office asked M$ to reveal some "internal" secrets -
wasn't the WMV algorithm affected by this ?
4. Can a WMV movie be hidden in other file types, esp. AVI ?
5. What versions of WNV exist and how to identify them ?
6. How to transcode WMV movies into a better format ?
7. What is the preferred video fomat (open source, unpatented,
good compression&quality, low CPU requirements) ?