Their Watching you.....

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Their Watching you.....

Postby seboyd2000 » 14 Mar 2004 15:40


It’s about freedom, I’m posting this for people like me who are unknowledgeable of what really goes on while you’re sharing files with p2p warez. I know that many of us have taped movies off our TV, or music off our albums and CD’s. Now if a friend comes into my house and that show is playing, or that music is playing, or I’ve transferred that music to my computer for storage, or let someone else read my newspaper or magazine, or maybe forgot my media item somewhere and someone came along and used it, then with today’s laws, I’d be breaking the law. If that’s the case then all Public Libraries should be illegal with their copyright books. But when a government wants to get the economy going these rules don’t apply and can be broken by major corporations creating new devices which create new jobs and exports. Allowing productions of items for recording media, like VCR’s, DVD recorders, recording softwares, harddrive recorders, DVR’s, ect…well then it’s ok.

The problem with p2p file sharing software’s are your ports become open to attacks from unwanted applications and services that allows tracking and branding of stored computer files. I thought I was pretty safe downloading until I installed peerguardian, then I started getting blocks on IP’s from peergaudian that were scary... (Red sheriff, CIA, BayTSP, and many others) I researched some of these organizations and they are the people who are keeping records on download for later prosecution. They allow you to download their branded files, upload your files, with possible port penetration, hard drive scanning, grabbing your computer specs and identification. These organizations all have IP’s, and their IP’s are being identifies and incorporated into lists, that are then put into IP blocking software like: Peerguardian and Protowall. Then while you’re sharing files, these unwanted IP’s are blocked from entering your computer in anyway, file sharing, port intrusion, ect…

Getting into computers is done all the time illegally, yes, and most times without your knowledge, this is done by invading your computers open ports, once the person is in your computer, they can do just about anything the want. Scan and steal files, request computer id info, the list go on... New tech is out that allows files to be branded and tracked, sort of like printer are doing now, marking every piece of paper with a code invisible to the eye, and this is now being done to other types of things like media. They put an ID mark or code on the item which can be retrieved for tracking. Wallmart (and other companies) are now using something like this to track their inventory all over the world, and can call up an items location anytime, anyplace, even after you have bought an item and it's in your home. This is totally different than trojans...
When u are downloading with p2p softwares many of your computers ports are being used by that software, and your computer has so much action going on, thru these ports that its hard to tell if it's downloads, uploads, or computer invasions. I suggest you download a simple port monitor called "ACTIVE PORTS" and watch how much port action is happening while u are using a p2p software.

Active ports site:

I've researched IP blocking software more and found that Peerguardian is good and had been running it on my computer until i found out more about IP blocking. The problem with Peerguardian, tho a great software, is it only blocks one protocol (which I didn’t know) after more research and I found Protowall which blocks over 20 protocols, big difference in protection here. Personally I have chosen Protowall

Read this post on tagging. “unique I.D. number that' embedded in each copy of the program”, I found on another site: ... topic=1684

With new laws being passed worldwide such as: The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in the US, and in Europe: The European Union Directive for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights(with this one they freeze bank accounts, take homes, cars, assets). People must become aware of the dangers file sharing can have on our lives(more info on above laws follows).

Few examples of technology-related federal legislation have stirred up more controversy in recent years than the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), and now the European Union is considering a similar, yet far more sweeping act—one that could extend to virtually all kinds of intellectual property protections—which critics describe as "nuclear weapons of IP law enforcement." A coalition of over 50 civil liberties groups is opposing draft legislation titled the European Union Directive for the Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights. The draft legislation will be considered for passage into law throughout Europe by the European Plenary March 8th through 11th."

More: ... _zd/120473 ... le&sid=485

Peerguardian download:

ProtoWall Download:

ProtoWall Help Files:

The Blocklist Manager: ... wtopic=856

BIG BROTHER is spreading a NEW WORLD ORDER and taking all freedoms with it....

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 18
Joined: 26 Dec 2003 06:06
VLC version: latest
Operating System: winXP

Here's a reply from another website where I posted this topi

Postby seboyd2000 » 21 Mar 2004 17:46

Here's a reply from another website where I posted this topic...

Re Their watching you!!!!

i think your right as ive found out today..
i have just recently downloaded a star trek enterprise episode as we are months be hind here in the uk and left the episode in my shared folder as i do with all my downloads so others .. can have the benifit as well when i recived the following email.. scary..

Original Message Follows:

This part of the post was removed by moderator becaused it contained confidential material.

so can any one help or give me advice on how to hide my ip address please ian


Postby Guest » 22 Apr 2004 15:34

Read another article i found on the internet last night, on and many on They stated new Digital tags are being attached to media (music, movies, software). One is called the DRM (Digital Rights Manag). Apple is using this one on their downloads for tunes that only play on ipod. Fairplay came out with a DRM stipping decoder for that DRM. Microsoft is doing the same and offering unlimited music download subscriptions but....

Will we be able to bring this madness to a stop before all information and knowledge has been patented, copyrighted, DRMd and locked away?

Microsoft is rumored to prepare an iPod killer. Instead of using the pay per download model as Apple and other online services does, Microsoft's upcoming devices allow you to store rented music on the device, thus allowing you to download an almost unlimited number of songs. However, all those songs are DRM'd beyond reason (are you surprised) and have a built-in timebomb. If you don't pay your subscription fee, your entire collection becomes useless. But it gets better, if the DRM system fails (and my current experience with encrypted digital satellite TV that fails regularly at the beginning of each new month, strongly hints that things can potentially go very bad), or a computer hickups improperly flags your account, you're also locked out. So, what might sound as a good idea at first, to get an unlimited number of songs, will seriously backfire. Apple obviously argues that users prefer to own songs, but what they don't tell you is that their songs are equally DRMd and tied to certain hardware. So, if you want to be on the safe side, accept only unlocked MP3 downloads. When you can put it anywhere you like, then you really own it. If it requires a license, you just have the right to use it, under certain conditions, and for a certain amount of time (licenses can obviously be revoked).

and the movie industry is already moving the dome way.

BIG BROTHER is spreading a NEW WORLD ORDER and taking all freedoms with it....

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