I just installed the stuff on my new Raspberry Pi 5 and here the path in the file (lua/intf/) time_intf.lua for time_marquee.txt is:Thank you mederi for the nice plugin.Patches published at http://addons.videolan.org/content/show ... ent=149618
Elapsed time with miliseconds:
I just installed it on my Mac OS 10.11.6 with VLC and I want to contribute a little how-to for this Mac OS:
I downloaded the Time-Plugin: Time_v3.2_(intf).zip and unpacked it.
There are two important files in it, time_intf.lua and time_ext.lua.
I put the time_intf.lua to the intf-folder, here:
/Users/f/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/intf/time_intf.lua
and the time_ext.lua to the extension folder, here:
/Users/f/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/extensions/time_ext.lua
(where f is my user name).
Then I noticed that the font is too big and pushy, so I searched and found your comment and hack about it in the 3rd page of the commenting area, starting with: "There is a workaround using marquee filter reading a text file..."
The work-around is for windows and I first thought that I would need this text file (timemarquee.txt), download it from somewhere, but it is just to push the time contents in it and read it, while VLC and the plugin are running, so I created an empty text file in:
/Users/f/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/intf/time_marquee.txt
(named it time_marquee.txt and not timemarquee.txt for better reading).
In VLC preferences I changed:
'Show all' > Video > Subtitles/OSD > Overlays > [x]Marquee display
and also (still with 'Show all'):
Video > Subtitles/OSD > Marquee > (Text: is empty) Textfile: /Users/f/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/intf/time_marquee.txt
And also there I can change Font and Position of this Marquee.
With Font > Opacity: 140 and Font > Size: 12 the time pattern is very unpushy
Then I changed the code in:
/Users/f/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/intf/time_intf.lua
(it was in line 108) from:to:Code: Select all
... vlc.osd.message(TIME_Decode_time_format(), 1111111111, TIME_osd_position) ...
And it workedCode: Select all
... local f = vlc.io.open("/Users/f/Library/Application Support/org.videolan.vlc/lua/intf/time_marquee.txt", "w") if f then f:write(TIME_Decode_time_format()) f:close() end ...
Thanks again.
EDIT: On Windows 10 I put the extension into the User dir, in:
(here also my user name is "f")
and changed the line
(see above) in time_intf.lua to:
The Opacity I have set to 144, font white 18, this is unpushy enoughCode: Select all
... local f = vlc.io.open(vlc.config.userdatadir().."\\lua\\intf\\time_marquee.txt", "w") if f then f:write(TIME_Decode_time_format()) f:close() end ...
Code: Select all
local f = vlc.io.open(vlc.config.userdatadir().."/lua/intf/time_marquee.txt", "w")
Code: Select all
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