arm_release_ver: g13p0-01eac0, rk_so_ver: 3
[0000007f4c158550] egl_x11 gl error: cannot create EGL window surface
[0000007f38001440] main video output error: video output creation failed
[0000007f48c340d0] main decoder error: failed to create video output
Code: Select all
To help you, we need messages, to completely understand what your
problems is.
From windows command line or linux or macos terminal, launch vlc with options -vv and --logfile=file
Also don't forget to name your Operating System and provide the VLC media player version.[/logfile]From windows command line or linux or macos terminal, launch vlc with options -vv and --logfile=file
- Windows example: vlc.exe -vv --logfile=c:\vlclog.txt
- Linux example: vlc -vv --logfile=vlclog.txt, or vlc -vv 2>&1 > logfile.txt
Also don't forget to name your Operating System and provide the VLC media player version.