Subtitles don't display for first ~20 seconds

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Subtitles don't display for first ~20 seconds

Postby steiney » 17 Jul 2024 20:52

I'm on macOS 13 on an M1 Mac Mini. I recently noticed that, for subtitles programmed in their container file to be displayed by default, they don't begin to display until roughly 20 seconds of the video have elapsed. And for subtitles not set to display by default, they don't begin to display until roughly 20 seconds after a given subtitle is toggled on. However, in both cases, if I seek forward or backward any amount of time during that 20 seconds, the subtitles will immediately begin to display.

It seems like this wasn't the case for previous versions of VLC, but I could easily be misremembering.

Has anyone else been experiencing this behavior or just me? And if anyone else is experiencing this behavior, is there a solution that anyone is aware of?

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