VLC 3.0.19+ Needs Focus For Toolbar bug (Multi-Monitor)

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New Cone
New Cone
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VLC 3.0.19+ Needs Focus For Toolbar bug (Multi-Monitor)

Postby swallis7 » 12 Jun 2024 01:34

When I start VLC Media Player on monitor 2 (full screen), and start a game (or some other program) on monitor 1...

* If I point to VLC with the mouse, I can use the mouse wheel to turn the volume up and down (as long as I'm not pointing near the toobar). i.e. I my game does not lose the focus so it doesnt pause, minimize or otherwise get screwed up depending on the game.

* If I point to VLC with the mouse, the toolbar should appear so if i point near the seek slider at the bottom I can use the mouse wheel to jump ahead/jump back in the video when i need to.
THIS PART NO LONGER WORKS PROPERLY FROM 3.0.19 ONWARDS. VLC has to be clicked on in order for the Toolbar to appear.

It would be GREAT to have this back like it was! Some games get screwed up when they lose the focus, but they allow you to move the mouse onto the second screen and adjust the volume slider and seek slider with the mouse wheel.
It is also alot nicer when just using a web browser or other app on monitor 1 instead of a game, you can just mouse over VLC and adjust it when you need to.

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