Transfering Songs From Itunes on PC Windows 10 to VLC on Ipad 2

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Transfering Songs From Itunes on PC Windows 10 to VLC on Ipad 2

Postby billguitarvin » 20 May 2024 13:35

Hi there! I am trying to transfer songs from iTunes on my Windows 10 PC to VLC Version 3.5.7 on my iPad 2. On my older laptop running Vista I was able to hook up my iPad via USB, see my iPad in the Windows Vista iTunes app and click on what I think was the "Files" button listed underneath the iPad Icon in iTunes and I could see the VLC app and transfer no problem. Now in iTunes on my Windows 10 laptop there is no "Files" to click on. I have tried sharing via wi-fi, when I click the "+" button to add files, my only choices are Photo Library or iCloud Drive. When I click on iCloud Drive it only shows me some files that were saved in my Files folder, none of which have anything to do with iTunes. I also tried minimizing the VLC window to try to drag and drop some iTunes songs into my VLC app, but I can't figure out a way on my iPad to minimize the iTunes screen. Any suggestions? Thanks so much!

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Transfering Songs From Itunes on PC Windows 10 to VLC on Ipad 2

Postby billguitarvin » 20 May 2024 14:45

So Sorry! Just figured out how to do it. I didn't know that once you open up iTunes and hook up the iPad to the PC via USB and it shows the iPad, near the top of the screen and just below the Controls and Account headings is a rectangular box. Once you click on the rectangular box, it shows all the iPad info, including File Sharing (what I referred to as "Files" in my 1st post). Once I did that I was able to go to File Explorer on my laptop and drag the files into VLC. In the words of Homer Simpson - "DOH!"

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