Help with replacing 'omxd' on Pinball Integrated Python code

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Help with replacing 'omxd' on Pinball Integrated Python code

Postby flynnsbit » 06 Mar 2024 20:56

I have a side project where I built a mod for Tron Legacy Pinball that adds a screen that plays video clips based on the current mode you are in. The modes are read from a serial interface with a raspberry pi and then translated to play a series of videos in a playlist managed by omxd ( and played on a pi 3 with omxplayer. Fairly simple setup but managing the different modes, inserting videos into the current playlist and playing them immediately make it a bit more complex than your standard "video wall" playlist. Because the pinball code is what is controlling omxplayer, I need to be able to interrupt the video playing, play something else, then continue the existing playlist. I would like to bring all this code up to date on a pi5 with VLC as the backend player now that OMXPlayer is deprecated in the latest raspbian versions.

Here is an example of what the video screen, player, and interaction with the pinball machine looks like now:

example code with omxd controlling omxplayer: ...

Is there a similar process or playlist management function as omxd in VLC? I specifically need:

Code: Select all

a file add to playlist after current item I file interrupt playlist, play file on default output, then continue playlist L file pLay file on default after current item, then continue playlist
Are these three things possible from python?

# Insert to playlist before current item and tell VLC to play immediately., # Append to end of playlist, # Add to playlist after current playing item.

Is my only option to enable HTTP control of VLC and if so can that handle all three options above?

I would like to start working on a pi5 version of this that uses VLC as the video backend. Any help would be appreciated.

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