I am not an expert at linux packages. I am reporting an issue with the instructions, so others like me can resolve the same issue, or perhaps the wiki page can be updated so no one encounters these errors in the future.
Thanks for the link to the Ubuntu package search page, and it looks like there's a ".pc" suffix that's required? Anyway, I'll keep it in mind the next time I'm debugging a build.
After installing
libxcb-xkb-dev, that error no longer appears.
A new error appeared:
Code: Select all
configure: error: No package 'Qt5Quick' found
No package 'Qt5QuickWidgets' found
Package 'Qt5Quick', required by 'Qt5QuickControls2', not found. If you want to build VLC without GUI, pass --disable-qt.
Searching the Ubuntu packages returns
After installing that, the configure command succeeds without issue.
Would it make sense to add
libxcb-xkb-dev and
qtdeclarative5-dev to the apt install command on the wiki page? Either under "Prepare your environment" or "Troubleshooting", depending on how typical this error is.