Code: Select all
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import vlc
import logging
import signal
import sys
# Set up logging
logging.basicConfig(filename='gate_announcer.log', level=logging.INFO)
# Set up GPIO and the sensor
sensor_pin = 14 # replace with your sensor's pin
GPIO.setup(sensor_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP)
# Set up LEDs
led_pin_waiting = 22 # replace with your LED's pin
led_pin_playing = 23 # replace with your LED's pin
led_pin_sleeping = 24 # replace with your LED's pin
GPIO.setup(led_pin_waiting, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(led_pin_playing, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(led_pin_sleeping, GPIO.OUT)
# Set up VLC and load the mp3
AnnounceNorth = vlc.MediaPlayer ("NorthGateAnnounce.mp3")
AnnounceSouth = vlc.MediaPlayer ("SouthGateAnnounce.mp3")
Sleeping = vlc.MediaPlayer ("Sleeping_3_Hrs.mp3")
# Variables to keep track of state
last_announcement_time = 0
announcement_cooldown = 5 # 15 seconds
contact_closures = 0
max_closures = 5 # replace with your desired number
closure_window = 600 # replace with your desired number of seconds
sleep_time = 3600 # 1 hour
current_time = 0 #TRACKING Varable
start_time = time.time()
# Debouncing variables
debounce_time = 0.05 # 50 milliseconds, adjust as needed
last_input_state = GPIO.HIGH
input_state = GPIO.HIGH
def signal_handler(sig, frame):'Script terminated by user')
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
print ("Kevins Gate Controller Version 1")
print ("Loading after reboot")
print ("Waiting for Object...")
while True:
last_input_state = input_state
input_state = GPIO.input(sensor_pin)
if input_state != last_input_state:
if input_state == GPIO.input(sensor_pin):
if input_state == GPIO.HIGH:
print ("Gate Triggered")
current_time = time.time()
print ("Trigger Allowed? " , current_time - last_announcement_time > announcement_cooldown)
if current_time - last_announcement_time > announcement_cooldown:
GPIO.output(led_pin_playing, GPIO.HIGH)
print ("Announcing Gate Object")
print ("Time since last Announcement was " , time.time() - last_announcement_time)
time.sleep(AnnounceNorth.get_length() / 1000) # wait for the mp3 to finish playing
print ("Finished Gate Announcement")
GPIO.output(led_pin_playing, GPIO.LOW)
last_announcement_time = current_time
contact_closures += 1
print ("Announcements within window " , contact_closures)
if contact_closures >= max_closures and current_time - start_time < closure_window:
print ("Sleeping...")
print ("Playing Sleep Announcement")
time.sleep(Sleeping.get_length() / 1000) # wait for the mp3 to finish playing
print ("Sleep Announcement Concluded")
GPIO.output(led_pin_sleeping, GPIO.HIGH)
print ("Sleeping for 3 Hours...")
print ("Sleep Time Satisfied")
GPIO.output(led_pin_sleeping, GPIO.LOW)
start_time = time.time()
contact_closures = 0
GPIO.output(led_pin_waiting, GPIO.HIGH)
GPIO.output(led_pin_waiting, GPIO.LOW)
if current_time - start_time > closure_window:
closure_window == 0
time.sleep(1) # check the sensor once every second
except Exception as e:
logging.error('An error occurred: %s', e)