Help me construct a playlist that'll play in my car

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Help me construct a playlist that'll play in my car

Postby lbeck02 » 26 Jan 2024 04:07

I purchased a 2024 car about a month ago that doesn't have voice recognition for music from my USB stick. My 2020 Lexus did. My new car plays from the USB drive by clicking on the MP3 file but disallows browsing while driving, only for radio and Spotify. So I need to develop playlists for my extensive MP3 library. I've tried simply changing the filename extension for a contrived playlist to M3U and M3U8 and nothing works for me. I can provide Explorer screen captures if needed.

I'll be happy to follow a URL or other reference since developing car playlists is likely a topic already addressed. I've found only paid software and I'm not willing to gamble that it'll work for me (plus I'm cheap)!

I'm fairly computer proficient but prefer not to modify my registry.

Thanks for your help.

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