Can you hide the embed tag without stopping play?

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Can you hide the embed tag without stopping play?

Postby xizor » 16 Feb 2006 22:44

I'm using 0.8.4a plugin for Firefox 1.5, playback works just fine, but my website uses a tabbed interface that changes the CSS display attribute of div tags (one which encapsulates the embed object) to make them hidden.

The javascript for changing the div tag display attribute works great, but the VLC embed object stops playing when the div tag is hidden. It's important that the video stream continue playing even if its not visible to the user.

I've also tried overlaying a background on top of the playing video using z-index, but the VLC embed always stays on top no matter what. Anyone know a solution?


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Postby tonsofpcs » 17 Feb 2006 23:10

rather than hiding the div or the embed, how about setting the size to 1px by 1px?

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