Skins and Lua-script

Discuss your Lua playlist, album art and interface scripts.
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Skins and Lua-script

Postby csx333 » 29 Jun 2023 13:07

I wrote a playlist script in lua and it works well in the standard interface but when I use a skin it doesn't.
Is there a way to use a custom skin and a lua playlist script simultaneously ?

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Re: Skins and Lua-script

Postby unidan » 29 Jun 2023 16:47

Hi, just to be sure, can you share the script (potentially with the inner function blanked so that I can see the structure)?

playlist lua script are independant of the interface, but lua extensions like service discovery are only loaded by the Qt interface currently.

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Re: Skins and Lua-script

Postby csx333 » 30 Jun 2023 19:30

Hi, here is the code...
nothing advanced - I'm just using VLC to search for songs and ambience sounds for my video editing.

Code: Select all

require 'common' function descriptor() return { title = "SongSearchRandom"; version = "1.0"; author = ""; url = ''; shortdesc = "SongSearchRandom"; description = "<div><b>Starts next Track at Random Time and copies Path to Clipboard</b></div"; capabilities = {"input-listener" } } end function getName() -- copy path to clipboard local item = vlc.input.item() local uri = item:uri() uri = string.gsub(uri, '^file:///', '') uri = string.gsub(uri, '/', '\\') uri = string.gsub(uri, '%%20', ' ') strCmd = 'echo '..uri..' |clip' os.execute(strCmd) end function seeker() math.randomseed(os.time()) -- random initialize math.random(); math.random(); math.random() -- warming up x = math.random(20,80) y = tostring(x).."%" -- seeks random % of track end function activate() seeker() getName() end function deactivate() end function meta_changed() end function input_changed() vlc.playlist.pause() seeker() getName() end
I activate the script via the view menu - or in skinned mode via the context menu. But when VLC is skinned nothing happens.

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