Record option has a high failure rate

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Record option has a high failure rate

Postby trysting » 21 May 2023 18:31

Easily 95% of the time when I want to create a clip to use in a movie review and hit the record icon nothing seems to happen.

1. There is no way that I can find to tell that there is a recording happening. It's hit the icon, hope for the best, hit it again in the hope that if it is recording, this will stop the process.

2. There is no way to guarantee that the recording, if made, will be easy to find. Sometimes I find recordings in c:\users (Who puts user-maintainable files in the OS drive? Seriously?). I thought they were landing in the snapshots folder. Logically there should be a default location, which can be "same as original file" or set by the user. And can we set this during installation, please?

2 (b). For goodness sake please don't write files to the OneDrive default location on machines that are not running OneDrive. Windows 11 fights back if one tries to move files out of that location.

I have no idea why it seems to be so difficult to do something so fundamental as grabbing a frame or a clip.

And of course, this is made infinitely worse because VLC preferences are written who knows where and not backed up, so every reinstall means a fight to recreate one's setup.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Record option has a high failure rate

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 21 May 2023 19:21

VLC uses OS user directories consistent with OS policies and recommendations. You're free to change the settings if you don't like the defaults. That doesn't mean that defaults should change.

Besides there are no other sane defaults. We can't put files in the VLC installation directory (potentially read-only) or in the source media directory (also potentially read-only or even nonexistent if not a local file).
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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