VLC app can see and connect to media server from iOS but not from Apple TV

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VLC app can see and connect to media server from iOS but not from Apple TV

Postby altclart » 09 May 2023 09:50

I created a media server in the Windows 10 control panel under Media Streaming Options to be able to watch videos on other devices. I set the folders and files to be available with it. When I use VLC app on iOS there are 2 file servers listed as being available to connect to with my PC's name (PCNAME with SMB next to it and PCNAME with UPnP next to it) and in the VLC app for Apple TV there is only 1 available file server with my PC's name listed with SMB next to it. The one file server listed for Apple TV asks me to login and has blank fields for user, password, port and workgroup. On the phone 1 of the 2 servers does this same thing asking for this information but the other server listed (UPnP) with my PC's name just connects without asking for login credentials and has all the files available.

How do I make this server appear for VLC for Apple TV? Are there relevant settings here that I don't recognize? Is the Apple TV somehow being blocked on my home network? Do I actually need to know or somehow create login credentials to connect with the Apple TV?

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: VLC app can see and connect to media server from iOS but not from Apple TV

Postby DaveForce » 25 May 2023 22:37

I have a problem with AppleTv. With the new version 3.4 of May 2023, I can't see the folders on my PC. Before I could access my PC folders. In the account and password page I used to leave it blank and press ok.

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