how to create a playlist?

iOS, iPad, iPhone, tvOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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how to create a playlist?

Postby magellan149 » 24 Apr 2023 13:42


I dont't anderstand how I can create a playlist on my ipad. could anyone please expain to me?

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Re: how to create a playlist?

Postby Dogo » 24 Apr 2023 14:12


There is several ways to create a playlist let me explain some of them:

In your media library you can long press a media, media group, album, etc. and then select the "Add to playlist" option.

Or you can select the edit icon in the top right corner of your media library (if it is not empty of course), then you will be able to select the medias, media groups, albums, etc. you want to add to your playlist.
Once you have your selection, at the bottom there is multiple actions you can perform including the "Add to playlist" option.

This option will allow you to create a new playlist with a name of your choice, or add the medias selected to an already existing playlist.

Besides, if you do not have any playlists in your media library there is some additional information on how to create a playlist in the playlist view.

Please note that with the 3.4.0 version coming soon and depending on the iOS (or iPadOS) version you are using, the edit icon and the sorting options will be merged into a single menu regrouping all the options.

Hope this will help, thank you for your feedback!

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 24 Apr 2023 13:39

Re: how to create a playlist?

Postby magellan149 » 24 Apr 2023 14:18

thanks a lot! :)

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