I'm experimenting with a gopro 10. I'm seeing stuttering videos: video + pixelated gray screen + video + pixelated gray screen &c
I get this on one of the higher quaiity default modes (5.3k/30 - cinema). I believe this is an HEVC containing mode.
I don't see this problem on Basic (1020/).
VLC is 3.10.16
Platform is Windows 10 10.0.19044; an HP Pavilion from 2010.
I've tried turning hardware acceleration off, no difference (default setting is AUTO)
I have not tried converting any of these videos with handbrake or the like to downgrade & get rid of hevc.
I do not know how audio is affected; the scenes I've tried this with happen to be completely quiet.
Is there anything that can be done to fix this? Is this a fundamental hardware problem, a Windows software problem, a VLC issue, or some issue with GoPro?
Any ideas appreciated.