I used VLC for years now and had no problems at all.
Since today it won´t even start. Everytime I try to start or play a video it quits with this message:
OS: Windows 10 64bit - all updates installed
I changed nothing on purpose on my system (no new applications or settings)
What I did:
1. Reset prefs like described here: https://wiki.videolan.org/VSG:ResetPrefs -> I tried both, the VLC option and the manual way. Both including restarts of Windows.
2. Uninstalling, deleting all preferences, cache and folders manually, rebooting, reinstalling vlc from scratch
Nothing works.
I read somewhere else how to create a logfile and tried this:
vlc --extraintf=logger --verbose=2 --logfile=C:\downloads\vlc.log --logmode=text --file-logging
This results in the same error message like the one above plus an empty logfile.
Any ideas?