Andrid Mi TV - Auto rescan for new media files, starts scanning again from first video

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Andrid Mi TV - Auto rescan for new media files, starts scanning again from first video

Postby VLCAddictrx » 04 Aug 2022 03:47

I have connected my VLC Media Player on Mi TV to my computer via SMB.
I have scanned all the media files on my computer and dumped the same to MI TV internal storage. (this took more then 5 hours, as thumbnails for all videos were selected as well)
I have around 1500 videos (personal videos)

Selecting the option Auto rescan for new media files starts the entire scanning process from video 1 again.

Please help.


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Re: Andrid Mi TV - Auto rescan for new media files, starts scanning again from first video

Postby Aza » 04 Aug 2022 07:01

Once the first scan is done, subsequent scans should only verify if new files are added or old files removed and should be really quick. Are these scans taking 5 hours as well for you?

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 26
Joined: 27 Mar 2022 19:45

Re: Andrid Mi TV - Auto rescan for new media files, starts scanning again from first video

Postby VLCAddictrx » 04 Aug 2022 08:00

Hello aza,
Thank You for your reply, Appreciated.

Yes, generating the scan 4th time now..
Gives problems someway or other, if hardware acceleration set to automatic or disabled. (if this setting is changed)
All Thumbnails from video are gone.

If scan for new media is enabled/disabled all thumbnails from video are gone

Also thumbnail generation is giving major issues, not all files are automatically generating thumbnails, unless i goto specific file group name starting with alphabets A, B, C, D etc.

What i meant is if i click on jump to group named A (only those files which appear in list above/below) thumbnails for those are generated.
I have to then click again on other group named P, S etc. to get those thumbnails.

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