Is there a way to auto zoom to compensate for black borders?

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
New Cone
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Is there a way to auto zoom to compensate for black borders?

Postby patrick99e99 » 09 Apr 2022 07:26

Occasionally I am viewing a video that is not full screen, and has black borders around it, and I would like a way to zoom in so that either the left/right or top/bottom edges are flush to the screen.

I was hopeful that I could just go to video effects > geometry > magnification/zoom, but that puts this weird overlay with a terrible UX, that is completely unhelpful...

Is there another way to zoom in without that strange white box / scale triangle thing being on the screen?

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Location: Germany

Re: Is there a way to auto zoom to compensate for black borders?

Postby fkuehne » 09 Apr 2022 09:40

Is the video smaller than the window size you are trying to render at? Did you play with the play at 50/100/200% options? Tried pressing the "o" key?
Felix Paul Kühne
Medic. VLC developer for appleOS since before you were born.

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