Script for file path and position to text file

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Script for file path and position to text file

Postby philhagen » 06 Mar 2022 03:58

At our office, we need a way to hit a VLC Hotkey and write to a text file two simple things. We need the current file playing with the full path (Windows) and the current position (seconds). I have searched hi and low to find something like this. I have not been able to find this. I assume that a LUA script is the best way to accomplish this. I now want to make this script to add to VLC. I am learning as much about LUA scripts as I can. I am versed in other programming languages, so I can accomplish this. Could someone explain how I would make this an extension for VLC and access it via a hotkey? To be clear, I do not need any interface while looking at videos. We need to create points of reference and have their position to make a record. Thanks

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