We have been using libvlc for a few years, with the official release, and it was working fine, until recently when we were unable to play some files containing custom tracks (more on this at https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc/-/issues/26505). So we ended up compiling the 4.0.0 version with our simple fix; the lib has been compiled from linux following the suggested cross-compilation approach.
The VLC player compiled plays the movie correctly, both video and audio are played.
When I try to play the video from our application with libVLC integrated, audio is being played appropriately, and also seek is working fine, but I video is not being displayed.
I checked the output on the console, and did a little bit of comparisons between the output of the command-line vlc compiled, and the console output in Visual Studio, and I observe that apparently the libVLC is unable to create the video output display.
Following is the output of commandline VLC [WORKING]:
while the following is what is being printed from our application [FAILING]:...
[0000026327f40030] d3d11va generic: Using D3D11VA (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060, vendor 10de(NVIDIA), device 1f11, revision a1)
[0000026327f4b0c0] main decoder debug: vout change: chroma
[0000026329078fc0] main video output debug: requested window size: 1920x1080
[0000026327e8fa20] main window debug: resized to 1920x1080
[0000026327e8fa20] main window debug: resized to 1920x1080
[0000026329078fc0] main video output debug: deinterlace -1, mode auto, is_needed 0
[0000026329078fc0] main video output debug: Opening vout display wrapper
[00000263290a9170] main vout display debug: looking for vout display module matching "any": 5 candidates
lines in bold in the above snippet repeat themselves while the file is being played.d3d11va generic: Using D3D11VA (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060, vendor 10de(NVIDIA), device 1f11, revision a1)
main decoder debug: vout change: chroma
main video output debug: requested window size: 1920x1080
main video output debug: deinterlace -1, mode auto, is_needed 0
main video output debug: Opening vout display wrapper
main video output error: video output display creation failed
main player debug: saving a free vout
avcodec decoder debug: trying format dxva2_vld
main decoder debug: vout change: decoder size
main decoder debug: vout change: visible size
main decoder debug: vout change: decoder size
Could it be that I need to pass to the library some initialization option?
As I side note, when creating an instance of the library with libvlc_new, it is loading ALL the modules (many of which are not required) in the plugin directory taking forever, and I cant find a way to control the startup process appropriately.
Any kind of suggestion would be greatly appreciated, and if you need any further details I'll do my best to provide them.
Thanks in advance
have a Nice Day