Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

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Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

Postby Snooze429 » 30 Sep 2021 21:30

Greetings. Suddenly as of today, 3 network streams won't play on VLC.
My other streams play fine, and these 3 streams play fine in my browser.

(I uninstalled and reinstalled VLC - no joy)

Here's part 1 of the "log" (messages) from my attempt to play one of the above streams.
I need to paste in 2 parts as it exceeds the maximum character length.

**************** LOG STARTS******************

main debug: incoming request - stopping current input
main debug: killing decoder fourcc `mp4a'
main debug: removing module "faad"
mmdevice debug: state changed: 0
wasapi debug: reset
main debug: removing module "samplerate"
main debug: removing module "scaletempo"
main debug: removing module "equalizer"
main debug: removing module "float_mixer"
main debug: keeping audio output
main debug: removing module "adaptive"
main debug: removing module "es"
main debug: removing module "mpeg4audio"
main debug: Program doesn't contain anymore ES
main debug: removing module "record"
main debug: removing module "prefetch"
main debug: removing module "access"
main debug: dead input
main debug: processing request item: wereldmuziek, node: Playlist, skip: 0
main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist
main debug: rebuild done - 10 items, index 9
main debug: starting playback of new item
main debug: resyncing on wereldmuziek
main debug: wereldmuziek is at 9
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: Creating an input for 'wereldmuziek'
main debug: requesting art for new input thread
main debug: looking for meta fetcher module matching "any": 1 candidates
main debug: using timeshift granularity of 50 MiB
main debug: using timeshift path: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp
main debug: `' gives access `https' demux `any' path `'


New Cone
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Re: Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

Postby Snooze429 » 30 Sep 2021 21:32

***** LOG CONTINUES *****

main debug: creating demux: access='https' demux='any' location='' file='\\\wereldmuziek'
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\fetcher
main debug: looking for access_demux module matching "https": 15 candidates
main debug: no access_demux modules matched
main debug: creating access:
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher
main debug: (path: \\\wereldmuziek)
main debug: looking for access module matching "https": 27 candidates
main debug: no meta fetcher modules matched
main debug: looking for art finder module matching "any": 2 candidates
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\art
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art
main debug: looking for tls client module matching "any": 1 candidates
gnutls debug: using GnuTLS version 3.6.15
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\00_musicbrainz.luac
lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\00_musicbrainz.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\01_googleimage.luac
lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\01_googleimage.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\02_frenchtv.luac
lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\02_frenchtv.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\03_lastfm.luac
lua debug: skipping script (unmatched scope) C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\03_lastfm.luac
main debug: no art finder modules matched
main debug: looking for meta fetcher module matching "any": 1 candidates
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\fetcher
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\fetcher
main debug: no meta fetcher modules matched
main debug: looking for art finder module matching "any": 2 candidates
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\vlc\lua\meta\art
lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\00_musicbrainz.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\01_googleimage.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\02_frenchtv.luac
lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\meta\art\03_lastfm.luac
main debug: no art finder modules matched
gnutls debug: loaded 67 trusted CAs from system
main debug: using tls client module "gnutls"
main debug: resolving ...
qt debug: IM: Deleting the input
qt debug: IM: Setting an input
qt debug: IM: Deleting the input
qt debug: IM: Setting an input
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Resource temporarily unavailable, try again.
gnutls debug: TLS handshake: Success.
gnutls debug: - safe renegotiation (RFC5746) enabled
gnutls error: Certificate verification failure: The certificate is NOT trusted. The certificate chain uses expired certificate.
main error: TLS session handshake error
main error: connection error: No error
access error: HTTP connection failure
main debug: no access modules matched
main debug: dead input
qt debug: IM: Deleting the input
main debug: changing item without a request (current 9/10)
main debug: nothing to play

**************** LOG ENDS ******************

(I don't know if there's an actual log file, as I can't find it - so I copied the above out of the Messages window.)

I'm not a programmer so the above does not help me solve the problem.

I've been listening to these streams for years and I trust them.
So - Can I bypass the "Certificate verification failure" error, and play the streams?

If not - what can I do about this new problem?

- Snooze

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Re: Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

Postby Lotesdelere » 01 Oct 2021 12:09

All of these streams are playing fine for me with VLC 3.0.16.
What is your OS ?

You can try to reset the preferences with the manual way (delete the whole %APPDATA%\vlc folder) and check if it helps:

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Re: Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

Postby Snooze429 » 02 Oct 2021 17:06

Thanks for your response.
Windows 10 Pro ver. 21H1 build 19043.1237

I'll try what you suggested and report the result

- Snooze

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Re: Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

Postby Snooze429 » 03 Oct 2021 06:30

Unfortunately, deleting the /vlc/ folder didn't make any difference. I still have the same problem as reported above.

The 3 streams still play perfectly well in my browser (Firefox).

By the way I'm using VLC 3.0.16

Anyone else have a suggestion?

- Snooze

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Re: Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

Postby Snooze429 » 03 Oct 2021 21:59

thanks, I'll look into these links.

- Snooze

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Re: Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

Postby R2D2 » 03 Oct 2021 23:03

Greetings. Suddenly as of today, 3 network streams won't play on VLC.
My other streams play fine, and these 3 streams play fine in my browser.

You might switch to other streams


New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 30 Sep 2021 21:13

Re: Can I bypass "Expired Certificate" error? Or - how do I solve this issue.

Postby Snooze429 » 04 Oct 2021 00:46

Thanks for this additional idea, I didn't know there were alternate streams.

BUT.... hooray.... the original streams are suddenly working again now.

I guess it was something on the server end, that they've tweaked.

Thanks again everyone for your help

- Snooze

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