Simulate 16bpp RGB565 hardware playback using FFPlay?

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Simulate 16bpp RGB565 hardware playback using FFPlay?

Postby GuyWithDogs » 18 May 2021 18:07

Is there a set of filters that can be used to simulate playing a video on hardware with only a 16 bit per pixel RGB565 video system? We make the device, and have customers who would like to see what the videos they create will look like on that system. Customers use different OS, so something cross-platform like FFMPEG and its brethren make sense. Providing the hardware to test on the actual device is not cost-effective for either party, so either they have to find a running system and "test in production", or we figure out some way to simulate the effect.

What we see when we play a file is blocky coloring and flashing areas. Gradients aren't smooth - there's banding visible. We want to simulate that. VLC has a "posterization" option that gives a similar effect, but it's not quite the same as what happens when a file is prepped to play on our hardware.

I did try using ffplay with a command like

Code: Select all

ffplay file_to_play.mp4 -x 640 -y 480 -vf "scale=640:480,format=rgb565le"
But there was not discernible drop in quality from a 1280x720 input file, and I was frankly expecting something more obvious as an issue.

Any suggestions?

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