raspivid -o - -t 0 -hf -vf -w 1296 -h 972 -fps 30 --bitrate 3500000 --profile high --level 4.2 | cvlc -vvv stream:///dev/stdin --sout '#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/}' :demux=h264
Client: Mainly consumed by a VLC client e.g. "Open Network Stream" rtsp://<server-ip>:8554/
Everything was running fine and dandy for months, but yesterday I decided to update the Raspi, which included a VLC update. Now viewing the stream stops after ca. 60 seconds. The client shows:
Code: Select all
live555 error: keep-alive failed: recvfrom() error: Connection reset by peer
Complete protocol from server and client:
Any ideas how to fix that? Setting the rtsp-timeout on the client to 0 or -1 had no perceivable impact.