I am using VLC (currently on windows 10 machine) quite successfully for converting webm videos into mp4 (h264/mp4a) files in order to save storage space. (I use it for archiving my meetings with clients.)
Recently, however, I have realized that sometimes conversion ends with mp4 file that is missing video track (or the track is empty). I have not received any error message while processing and I am unable to reproduce it when trying this again on the same video (problem is that my conversion runs automatically and deletes source video after conversion so I miss video track completely if I do not see the problem soon enough)
command line argument that i run on each webm file is as follows:
Code: Select all
"-I dummy -vvv `"$($inputFile.FullName)`" --sout=#transcode{vcodec=`"h264`",acodec=`"mp4a`",ab=`"128`",`"channels=2`",samlperate`"44100`"}:file{dst=`"$outputFileName`"} vlc://quit"
is there anything I may add/check/adjust in order to avoid this problem? or have you ever experienced anything like that?
Thanks a lot