Please add HDMI info on

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New Cone
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Please add HDMI info on

Postby FxSwede » 19 Jan 2021 18:04

Hi VLC team,

First off, thank you for a wonderful product, I have been using it for what feels like an eternity, ever since I was first introduced to it.

I could not find where else to put this feedback:

I would like to have a section added on page

How to view 3D movie on external monitor
* Attach a 3D monitor via HDMI (to MacBook Pro, in my case)
* Open a side-by-side 3D Movie (SBS) in VLC
* Move VLC onto the desktop that is the 3D monitor
* Put VLC into Full Screen Mode
* View 3D movie using 3D Glasses when 3D monitor is in 3D mode.

I have not found this information anywhere on the Internet (it only mentions Anaglyph, which is really cool also.)
(The 3D tech never took off, I am sad to say, but I am still enjoying my Avatar 3D)

Thank you in advance!

PS: One cannot search this forum for "3D" the search term is too short it seems
> The following words in your search query were ignored because they are too common words: 3d.
> You must specify at least one word to search for. Each word must consist of at least 3 characters and must not contain more than 14 characters excluding wildcards.

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