Why is the ftp "browsing" feature exclusive to iOS?

Feature requests for VLC.
New Cone
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Why is the ftp "browsing" feature exclusive to iOS?

Postby dontango » 22 Dec 2020 20:16


i have been a long time VLC user on Windows, MacOS and iOS. And i simply love the "browsing" abilities of the iOS version.

For example you can save a ftp like my.ftpsite.com with username and password and then VLC is abled to browse the directories until it discovers a movie, you then click on the movie and you can simply start streaming. Why is this feature missing from both the MacOS and the Windows versions? If i wanted to stream the same file on those two clients i would have to copy and paste the full path to the file like

Code: Select all

Can't this feature be added to all versions of VLC, why is the iOS versions so far ahead when it comes to userfriendly features? :oops:

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Why is the ftp "browsing" feature exclusive to iOS?

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 23 Dec 2020 11:26

Desktop VLC has been able to browse FTP directories for years. Granted there's no bookmarking but that's all.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Why is the ftp "browsing" feature exclusive to iOS?

Postby dontango » 24 Dec 2020 09:53

Desktop VLC has been able to browse FTP directories for years. Granted there's no bookmarking but that's all.
Very interesting. But how? Open file, open files, open folder, open network stream, open location from clipbord... stream... nothing allows me to simply enter a ftp, then browse it.

New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Why is the ftp "browsing" feature exclusive to iOS?

Postby dontango » 30 Dec 2020 11:25

I'd really like to know how i can browse ftps on "all versions of VLC", as has been stated by Rémi, i seem to be too stupid to find this option on VLC 3.0.11 Ventinari on both Windows 10 and MacOS Big Sur.

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Why is the ftp "browsing" feature exclusive to iOS?

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 31 Dec 2020 10:44

Media -> Open network stream...
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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New Cone
New Cone
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Re: Why is the ftp "browsing" feature exclusive to iOS?

Postby dontango » 31 Dec 2020 16:25

Media -> Open network stream...
Hello, thanks for the reply, that is exactly the missing feature i described in the OP, though. This does not allow me to browse the ftp. Entering the mere location of the ftp results in an "MRL" error message. I have to enter the complete path to a media file on the ftp for this to work where as on IPad OS i can actually browse the ftp and choose media files to play....

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