Thanks so much, dfuhrmann!
What about deleting:
- icecast.luac
- jamendo.luac
in /Applications/VLC/
(which I read somewhere else)?
Is there a risk that to do so might compromise the integrity of my
VLC installation, please?
If not, it's a small price to pay each time there is an update.
I say this because - although I have had
VLC for many years - I am only now (like a lot of people, I'm sure) beginning to see just how immensely powerful it is and how much of what I've always wanted to do I can!
I have made another (small) donation via your website; and would certainly do so again and/or be prepared to pay for a premium service/version.
BTW I often get a 504 Gateway Time-out (nginx/1.19.3) when accessing this forum. Hope that' helps!
Your help very much appreciated!