I've been looking into this matter for a while - not thoroughly just a while - but couldn't find anything close from what seems a pretty obvious and simple problem:
whenever I play music, I can't get it to shuffle among all the files.
Let's say I have 20 mp3 audio files, named from 1 to 20, one would expect the shuffle to attribute virtually a number from 1 to 20 to the files and play them in an order that is not the order of the files' name but still plays them all? But what I notice is that it just plays a random number of songs, can even be 1, and then stops. It's bothering me, because i want it to be able to shuffle one full playlist, not play repeat and listen several times the same song, not have it cut the playlist in the middle, just play ONE TIME every song in a random order.
Do I make myself clear? Does anyone sees it, is it something I can fix in the settings or else and that I missed?