Forum Email notifications are broken

Discussion about forum rules, new moderators, website content, website layout, VideoLAN artwork etc..
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Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 310
Joined: 16 Apr 2013 16:57

Forum Email notifications are broken

Postby da2424 » 28 Aug 2020 19:07

I have subscribed some topics/forums. Since some time (months), I don't get email notifications anymore, if someone replies. Is this a known problem?

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
Posts: 310
Joined: 16 Apr 2013 16:57

Re: Forum Email notifications are broken

Postby da2424 » 07 Oct 2020 22:51

Fixed for me - T-Online has removed the VideoLAN servers from their blacklist.

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