Hi Folks.
Is there any VLC remote control mechanism (preferably with an HTTP or telnet interface) to control the video effects of the VLC playback ?
I am particularly interested in remotely controlling HUE, GAMMA and BRIGHTNESS.
Code: Select all
elseif command == "brightness" then
vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(), "brightness", val)
elseif command == "gamma" then
vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(), "gamma", val)
elseif command == "saturation" then
vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(), "saturation", val)
elseif command == "contrast" then
vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(), "contrast", val)
elseif command == "windowsize" then
os.execute("xdotool search --name vlc windowsize " .. val)
Just wondering if this is possible to control audio effects as well...in particular, audio pitch. Thanks.Find httprequests.luac file, remove it, and place this one instead. You have to run vlc with "--video-filter adjust" for it to work. Use it like this : /requests/status.xml?command=brightness&val=1.2
Find httprequests.luac file, remove it, and place this one instead. You have to run vlc with "--video-filter adjust" for it to work. Use it like this : /requests/status.xml?command=brightness&val=1.2
I've added those linesCode: Select all
elseif command == "brightness" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(), "brightness", val) elseif command == "gamma" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(), "gamma", val) elseif command == "saturation" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(), "saturation", val) elseif command == "contrast" then vlc.var.set(vlc.object.vout(), "contrast", val) elseif command == "windowsize" then os.execute("xdotool search --name vlc windowsize " .. val)
Code: Select all
curl ""
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Error loading /requests/status.xml</title>
<h1>Error loading /requests/status.xml</h1><pre>...\lua\intf\modules\httprequests.lua:206: VLC lua error in file
../../extras/package/win32/../../../modules/lua/libs/variables.c line 108 (function vlclua_tovalue)</pre>
<a href="http://www.videolan.org/">VideoLAN</a><br/>
<a href="http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/">Lua 5.1 Reference Manual</a>
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