After I use Play again, the video resumes without problem (and I can use the PauseAt several times again).
Is there a recommended way to use Pause in VLC to seek the video randomly?
I also noticed, the freeze happens a lot faster, when I set the mediaPlayer.Position to 0).
Here is my code (using C#):
Code: Select all
unsafe class VideoFileRenderer
public BitmapSource CurrenBitmap => bsg.RenderBitmapSource();
public bool Open(string filename)
mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(VLCHandler.LibVLC);
//videoView.MediaPlayer = mediaPlayer;
media = new Media(VLCHandler.LibVLC, filename, FromType.FromPath,
UInt32 width = 0;
UInt32 height = 0;
UInt32 pitch = 0;
foreach (var track in media.Tracks)
if (track.TrackType != TrackType.Video)
width = track.Data.Video.Width;
height = track.Data.Video.Height;
//TODO: align to 4 bytes
pitch = width * 4;
originalWidth = (int)width;
originalHeight = (int)height;
originalStride = (int)pitch;
bsg.Init(originalWidth, originalHeight);
memory = Marshal.AllocHGlobal((int)(height * pitch));
mediaPlayer.SetVideoFormat("RV32", width, height, pitch);
mediaPlayer.SetVideoCallbacks(LockCB, UnlockCb, DisplayCb);
//mediaPlayer.EnableHardwareDecoding = true;
mediaPlayer.PositionChanged += OnPositionChanged;
mediaPlayer.SeekableChanged += OnSeekableChanged;
mediaPlayer.EndReached += OnEndReached;
mediaPlayer.Position = -0.05f;
Trace.WriteLine("Opened: " + filename);
return true;
private void OnEndReached(object sender, EventArgs e)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(_ =>
var ret = mediaPlayer.Play();
public void PauseAt(float perc)
//Trace.WriteLine("Set new pos = " + perc.ToString());
mediaPlayer.Position = perc;
private void OnSeekableChanged(object sender, MediaPlayerSeekableChangedEventArgs e)
Trace.WriteLine("OnSeekableChanged:" + e.Seekable.ToString());
private void OnPositionChanged(object sender,
MediaPlayerPositionChangedEventArgs e)
//Trace.WriteLine("New pos:" + e.Position.ToString());
public bool Play()
if (media == null)
return false;
if (!mediaPlayer.Play(media))
return false;
mediaPlayer.Position = 0.5f;
Trace.WriteLine("Play triggered");
return true;
public IntPtr LockCB(IntPtr opaque, IntPtr planes)
Marshal.WriteIntPtr(planes, memory);
return IntPtr.Zero;
public void UnlockCb(IntPtr opaque, IntPtr picture, IntPtr planes)
public void DisplayCb(IntPtr opaque, IntPtr picture)
byte* pMem = (byte*)memory.ToPointer();
for (int y = 0; y < bsg.Height; y++)
int fromY = originalHeight * y / bsg.Height;
for (int x = 0; x < bsg.Width; x++)
int fromX = originalWidth * x / bsg.Width;
int originalOffset = fromY * originalStride + 4 * fromX;
int offset = y * bsg.RawStride + 4 * x;
bsg.RawImage[offset + 0] = pMem[originalOffset + 0];
bsg.RawImage[offset + 1] = pMem[originalOffset + 1];
bsg.RawImage[offset + 2] = pMem[originalOffset + 2];
bsg.RawImage[offset + 3] = pMem[originalOffset + 3];
//currenBitmap = bsg.RenderBitmapSource();
Media media;
MediaPlayer mediaPlayer;
IntPtr memory;
int originalWidth = 0;
int originalHeight = 0;
int originalStride = 0;
BitmapSourceGenerator bsg = new BitmapSourceGenerator();
//BitmapSource currenBitmap;