recording flv will not play in vlc need help

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recording flv will not play in vlc need help

Postby pj125 » 21 May 2020 01:07

Hello there everyone :) I am having trouble with a flv file that was saved but could not watch :( So what happened was I was recording my VR game with OBS and suddenly crashed and tried to check on my desktop to force close the game but the desktop was slow and unresponsive. So I decided to force shut down my computer pressing the power button which I realize is a stupid move on me, and tried to see if the recording got saved and IU see the flv got saved and the size of the flv is there, so I tried watching it in VLC but the it was loading with the orange gauge going left and right, and I waited until it stopped and I realize to my horror I cannot watch it to relive the awesome highlights from that night :cry: So I tried google to see the solution to get the flv to be watchable and even stumbled upon some post on this forum, but I could not understand the lingo or special words and I am not tech smart or even computer knowledgeable to understand, I'm a noob when it comes to computer stuff :-| So I would highly appreciate it and be truly thankful if any of you can help me with an exact solution to my problem with the flv being unwatchable and hopefully the solution is something a noob like me can understand and tried get fixed :D

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