Is it possible to save a music visualization to a video file?

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Is it possible to save a music visualization to a video file?

Postby caelia » 18 May 2020 00:48

Hi, I'm new here, and feeling a bit confused about all the capabilities of VLC.

Anyway, I am a musician. And sometimes I would like to be able to create a video for a piece of music - e.g. I might want to share something on Facebook, but Facebook doesn't allow you to upload plain audio files. You can put it in a video, but blank videos are stupid, so I'd like to provide some kind of visual experience. I don't want to get into serious video production or animation right now (because then how would I have time to work on my music?), so projectM seems like a good solution. And I am wondering - is it possible to load an audio file, play it with a ProjectM visualization, and save that visualization to an audio file?

As a long-time Linux user, I have no problem using the command line if necessary. But there are so many options, and it's hard to understand what they are all supposed to do, so examples would be much appreciated.

Also, is there a way to select a specific preset for ProjectM? I see this question has been asked before and never answered ...

Thanks in advance for any info you can provide!

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