AirPlay 2 second delay no longer automatically detected?

macOS specific usage questions
New Cone
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AirPlay 2 second delay no longer automatically detected?

Postby davidfstr » 12 Apr 2020 00:47

If I use VLC to play a video when my macOS system audio is configured to direct to an AirPlay speaker (such as the Sonos One I just got), there is a 2 second delay between when you press the play button and when the speaker plays audio.

It is possible to correct for this delay manually by repeatedly pressing the "f" key until VLC says the audio delay is -2000 ms.

However I was under the impression that VLC 2.2.1 automatically corrected for this delay, based on the post here:

On the other hand, I now see a forum post that VLC 3 does NOT support AirPlay:

So now I'm confused. Did an older version of VLC 2.x support AirPlay latency detection but that support was dropped in VLC 3.x, only to be scheduled to reappear in VLC 4.x?

(FWIW, it looks like the API to detect whether any audio delay is active [from AirPlay or anything similar] is: )

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Re: AirPlay 2 second delay no longer automatically detected?

Postby dfuhrmann » 13 Apr 2020 09:58

I think for a 2 second delay you need manually enter this in the syncronization panel currently.

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