Hi all,
I've been experimenting with using VLC to view through a wifi-enabled borescope after reading a blog talking about the reverse engineering work they've done. I've had some success, but there is a weird graphical glitch with the stream that seems to be indepent of where I'm streaming to.
I've connected via the uri "tcp://" and VLC is just set to all its default settings.
The video I've recorded is here: [url]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A77oBJSzrJRXCuTtmXDVD7I_topEMg9m/view?usp=sharing[/url]
I've also captured a raw file from the device here: [url]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aXHbryCk6w7Qcupd3ITawtss-OFaHkO7/view?usp=sharing[/url]
I'm know the app on the google play avoids this, I was interested to see if it was an inherient problem with the stream itself, which their app is compensating for, or a problem with VLC that might be fixable with the right options/parameters.
Thanks in advance for any help.