Sorry? I don't understand what you mean. I saw your reply to the original question and posted a reply to that. I have not (yet) seen a reply to that.
Sometime you might answer and I might miss it, so it gets buried below the quantity of post. Don't hesitate to send a message again if you don't have answer for ~a week. The forum is hard to track as there is no assignement possible. :/
That link is new to me. I did not know if it before now. Thanks. I shall look and see what I can make of it.
Though I don't understand what an API is. I'll look into it.
Basically VLC exposes an HTTP server on the endpoint defined by --http-host and --http-port.
You can send HTTP requests to execute things or get info from VLC.
The document above documents the different requests that you can send.
If I know where to find "them"?
What is this "them" of which you speak?
If you know which button in the HTTP interface is producing the action you're looking for, you can dump the HTTP request that is sent when you click the button with the network inspector from your browser.
Check https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Network_Monitor
I'm looking at the link you supplied.
Interesting. Looks promising.
But although this link shows me the commands which I can send and the replies I get, it lacks telling me which protocol it uses and which port.
OK, it has lua and http in the title, so I'll take it as those are the "protocol". but still not the port.
The option are documented by vlc help and are:
Code: Select all
--http-host <string> HTTP server address
By default, the server will listen on any local IP address. Specify
an IP address (e.g. ::1 or or a host name (e.g. localhost)
to restrict them to a specific network interface.
--http-port <integer [1 .. 65535]>
HTTP server port
The HTTP server will listen on this TCP port. The standard HTTP port
number is 80. However allocation of port numbers below 1025 is
usually restricted by the operating system.
--https-port <integer [1 .. 65535]>
HTTPS server port
The HTTPS server will listen on this TCP port. The standard HTTPS
port number is 443. However allocation of port numbers below 1025 is
usually restricted by the operating system.
--rtsp-host <string> RTSP server address
The Lua HTTP interface exposes requests through HTTP endpoints documented in the README.txt, so it's basically only HTTP GET requests if I remember correctly. Protocol is HTTP, host is the one from --http-host, port is the one from --http-port.
PS: If you want, you can quote things on this forum with