audio profile, despite my audio hardware being capable of up to 7.1 surround sound output,
Eventually I knuckled down to resolving the issue - and this solution worked perfectly for me.
Install the required packages.
Code: Select all
sudo apt-get install alsa-tools-gui pavumeter pavucontrol
Now you need to re-assign each audio jack from their default assignments, so run.
Code: Select all
sudo -H hdajackretask
Select the audio codec you wish to change.
Modify each audio jacks assignment as required.
Click the 'Install Boot Override' Button and then reboot.
The pavumeter and pavucontrol apps should now show as many audio out channels as you assigned.
Check that your audio channel assignments correspond to the correct speakers
using the usual Ubuntu Sound Settings app and if you have a wrong assignment
just re-run hdajackretask again and change it.
Hope this helps someone else as I am so relieved that I now have surround sound in Ubuntu and can use vlc in
Ubuntu to play bluerays and dvds with all channels blazing insead of having to resort to windows all the time