I have been using vlc on raspberry pi 4, running Raspbian Buster. I found a guide which showed a command for running vlc which i have been using, but when trying to view it in a web browser on another machine on the network, nothing displays. I do not have a firewall running on my raspberry pi, and confirm that when doing the command sudo netstat -lptu that it is listening on the port.
here's the output
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
tcp 0 0 raspberrypi.fritz.:1234* LISTEN 5752/vlc
This is the command I'm currently using:
cvlc v4l2:///dev/video0 --http-host=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx --sout '#transcode{vcodec=mjpg}:std{access=http
When i try to run it on vlc client side it comes up with this error:
Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1234/strm.mjpeg'. Check the log for details.
Kindly, what is happening here? why can't I view the video on my local network?
Edit: As per suggestion, turned on verbosity using -vv -logfile=~/vlclog.txt
What am I looking for? Heres' the pastebin of my log file
I didn't see any errors on the log yet I still can't view the stream from another computer
The log file on the client reports that connection is refused by peer. I looked up some articles on VLC that were the same problem.
Here's what i tried
They suggested changing the dst if it was localhost, mine is an actual ip address. They suggested that you should use port 1234 which is what i'm trying.