Unable to read Unicode Characters in .cue file of CD image

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Unable to read Unicode Characters in .cue file of CD image

Postby hwtan » 31 Jul 2019 09:00

Currently, if the .cue file of a CD image contains Unicode characters, such as Chinese, VLC will read the file and displays the track names as messy characters. Since VLC only read the .cue file saving as an ANSI file, if there is a need of any Unicode characters, those information of Unicode will not be saved and thus causing the messy characters.

So, it is necessary for VLC to read the .cue file saving as Unicode text rather than ANSI text. Also, the display box has to be capable to display Unicode characters too.

I only have a Windows system. So, I am not sure if this happens to the other OSs.

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Re: Unable to read Unicode Characters in .cue file of CD image

Postby InTheWings » 31 Jul 2019 10:02

That totally non standard created by rippers filling CUE from CDDB. Original CD can only contain ascii, Latin-1 or shift-jis.
:!: If you want your problem to be solved :
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Re: Unable to read Unicode Characters in .cue file of CD image

Postby hwtan » 31 Jul 2019 10:38

That totally non standard created by rippers filling CUE from CDDB. Original CD can only contain ascii, Latin-1 or shift-jis.
OK, understand the inherited problem. However, since VLC not necessary reading CD image from a CD, but could also reading it from a ripped text file, we as user can always convert the original ascii etc text into Unicode. Could VLC just include this feature of reading an Unicoded .cue?

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Re: Unable to read Unicode Characters in .cue file of CD image

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 01 Aug 2019 20:46

And break proper CUE files? No, of course not.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Unable to read Unicode Characters in .cue file of CD image

Postby hwtan » 11 Sep 2019 08:18

And break proper CUE files? No, of course not.
Or perhaps enable VLC to read an alternative Unicoded CUE file without affecting the original CUE file.

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