when I start playing an audio CD by clicking 'open Disc > AudioCD > Play', VLC seems to sleep for about 70 seconds...
The only action I see is a jumping status bar from left to right to left and so on...
After this semi-eternity, playback works as usual.
I already tried to change the CD => no change in behaviour
I already tried to start windows in safe mode => no change in behaviour
I already tried to uninstall and reinstall vlc => no change in behaviour
I already tried to change vom 32bit to 64bit VLC => no change in behaviour
I already tried to uninstall actual and install previous version 3.0.4 => no change in behaviour
What could be the reason for this problem?
foobar2000 and windows media player immediately start playing audioCDs, so I think it's not a problem with my CD-drive.
Thanks for your answers (and sorry for my bad english - school is already a long time ago...)