Unsupported video format on TV

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New Cone
New Cone
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Unsupported video format on TV

Postby Normanby » 26 Jun 2019 02:11

Hi, My first posting from a non expert computer person. I have been taking short videos of up to three minutes from some wildlife/trail cameras around my place. I have been copying these onto a usb stick to show some friends who do not have home computers by playing directly through their TV set or via the video player. This has been satisfactory but at times three minutes is too long for a video without much action. I was recommended to use VLC media player to remove either end of the video and this worked all right as I have had this program installed for some time.
However when I copied the shortened videos onto a usb stick I could not play them as I get the following message: "Unsupported Video format". The video format is avi. I would be happy to find out if there is a simple fix for this problem.
Also after I have a number of shortened videos is there any way I can join these into one continuous video. I found some answers to this question on google but didn't work for me.
Hope my request is clear and not too long. I will supply any more info if requested.
Thank you.

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Re: Unsupported video format on TV

Postby unidan » 26 Jun 2019 12:55

Hi, did you eject the usb key before unplugging it ? It looks like a corrupted file if it was playing before.

Edit: I just saw it was on your TV. You have to choose a format that your TV can read. Not only the container format (AVI) but also video and audio codec.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 26 Jun 2019 01:39

Re: Unsupported video format on TV

Postby Normanby » 03 Jul 2019 06:38

Hi, Thank you for your reply. As I have no idea about doing what you suggest I will just accept that for me it is not possible.

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